A useful reference workflow is as follows:

Reference Workflow

In this workflow, the Architect uses Studio to define what code is to be included in the project, which model options should be applied, and perhaps some artifacts such as Actions, Specs, etc. The resulting project file (*.hsp) is propagated via the version control system to the build server.

Structure101 Build is integrated with the build process so that a structural model is created and checked against the latest code with every build cycle, checked for structural problems and spec violations, and the results are published to a Structure101 repository project.

This repository is opened into Workspace by developers, who can track down any new structural or architectural violations to discover the cause. Because the project is loaded from a repository, the differences since the previous build can be shown in Workspace, and prioritized. By making use of the Connector plugin to their IDE or source editor, the developers can navigate directly to the source for any problems to investigate further and repair. If/when repairing violations is not their focus, developers can use the visualization, dependency chasing, and source navigation to help them with ongoing feature development.